FGS Day 2016

58 guitarists from Enfield, Epping Forest, Greenwood, Hastings, North Bucks, Oxford and Widmore joined us at St. George’s Church Hall in Beckenham. Despite some members feeling they were not quite prepared enough to play the Intermezzo by Granados, our conductor Tom Kerstens provided excellent guidance and encouragement and by the end of the day, we were very happy with the results. A video of the performance of Farewell to Stromness and Intermezzo will be available in due course on the Federation Site ...

Trevor, Theresa and Denis worked tirelessly in the kitchen to provide us with coffee breaks and a fabulous lunch. 

Particular thanks  must go to David for his liaison with the other societies and Larisa for her coordination and lead so that everything went smoothly on the day. All big events require a team of helping hands and thanks to Lesley, John, Marion, Tessa, Andrew and others who helped out on the day. 

There were ensemble performances from all the societies that attended and we were all treated to a lovely selection of music.

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