BGS Meeting 15th September 2018

Thirteen members met tonight. We were pleased to welcome to our ranks a visitor who had attended our last session.

The ensemble worked on two pieces tonight:
-     Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J S Bach arranged in four parts. John explained the importance of keeping to a very strict tempo, and asked us to slightly stress the first beat of each bar. This helped to give structure to the music.
Players of Part 4 needed to retune string 6 back to E before playing the next piece.

-     Minuet by Boccherini arranged by K Love. Some tricky things here. How to play pizzicato.   Observe the rests. Keep tempo, don’t speed up in quaver bars.

Break for tea and coffee – thanks to Trevor for supplying and serving refreshments.

The remainder of the evening was taken up by our Annual General Meeting.

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